Our Mission
The Halifax Tree Projects supports protection, expansion, and sustainable management of urban trees and forests in Halifax by fostering community-based stewardship.
What we do
As a loosely affiliated group of young and not-so-young scholars and practitioners, collectively we have a range of ambitions and skill sets to offer.
We have the capability to design and implement a range of investigations about trees in cities and towns. We have collected numerous datasets about trees in Halifax, but we have also done tree inventories in other places, for example Pugwash and Bridgewater. We would be glad to discuss future research projects with urban people (from villages to cities) anywhere in Nova Scotia.
“For most of us, the urban environment is our only opportunity to interact with trees on a regular basis. We must continue to imagine our city as a thriving forest ecosystem, and from there we can work to make that possible for future generations of Haligonians.”
Among members of our group, we have experience teaching people about trees and urban forests across the entire range of ages - from grade-school classes to university classes. Contact us if you have an idea for an educational event.
We have strong experience in facilitating group processes. On one hand, some members of our group are seasoned workshop facilitators. On the other hand, other members have talents in facilitating community tree-planting events. If you are interested in discussing our ability to help you with any kind of community event related to trees and forests, please contact us.
Perhaps in the near future, we will venture into multi-media productions. For the time being, mostly as part of our academic pursuits, we produce written works. On this website we profile a range of our writings. When copyright is not an impediment to free distribution of our work, we have lodged the works directly onto this website or we use digital pointers so visitors can find the materials on other websites. Where works such as journal papers are limited in their free distribution, usually we can supply one free copy, digitally, upon request to the author.
If you have ideas on publications that you wish existed but don’t, let us know and we’ll consider developing them.